Now available from Random Lane

Language Barrier
Poems by Bob Stanley
$19.25 plus $3.99
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Bob Stanley studied poetry at Caltech and UCLA, and taught English and Creative Writing at Solano College, Sac City College, and Sacramento State before retiring in 2021. President of Sacramento Poetry Center for 12 years, Bob has organized hundreds of poetry events, and he served as Sacramento Poet Laureate from 2009 to 2012. He has edited two anthologies: Late Peaches (2013), and Sometimes in the Open (2009). Bob’s poetry collections include Walt Whitman Orders a Cheeseburger (Rattlesnake Press, 2009), Eleven Blue Strings (little m press, 2012), Miracle Shine (CW Books, 2013) and the e-chapbook November Sun (Random Lane
Press, 2022). Bob lives in Sacramento with his wife, Joyce Hsiao, and they run online poetry
seminars that help support small nonprofits. Bob’s newest collection of poems, Language
Barrier, has just been published by CW Books in June 2024.

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